• Establishes large information posters in Nima with nearby areas on how to protect against the Corona virus and helps to reduce the spread. The information on the posters is recommended by WHO and UNICEF.

  • Purchases water tanks, water, soap and towels that are placed around in the posted areas. This is because everyone cannot afford to buy water and soap that is enough for the whole family to protect against the spread of infection. Project Nima focuses on ensuring that the right information reaches everyone and that everyone has access to help based on the opportunities and obstacles that exist on the site.

  • Educates both engaged adults and the ambassadors of Project Nima Ghana about the Corona virus and how to prevent the spread of infection.
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Project Nima's ambassadors daily stand two and two at one of all the posters that have been set up and further educate orally people about the Coronavirus. What it is, how it spreads, what to do to protect oneself and why it is important that everyone comes together to reduce the spread of infection. They also show how to wash your hands for the best effect.

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Shortly after we had set up the first posters, Emile Kwablah was contacted by several assemblymen (local political representatives) outside Nima who asked for help with information also to their areas. They had already heard about the successful dissemination of information about Corona in the slums. This meant that we expanded our work with proper information dissemination and accessibility to water and soap to several areas.

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We also noted that many children were reading the big posters. They also came and asked for extra help with how to best wash their hands. They all explained the same thing, they are the ones responsible for taking care of the elderly in the family who need help with toilet visits, walking, eating or dressing and when they are at risk, the children wanted to learn how to prevent infect them in the best way. For this reason, we have also begun to focus extra attention on the information reaching children so that they feel secure in what they can do to protect their loved ones.

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Emile Kwablah Afeavor

Country Manager Ghana

Project Nima is the best. People are so impressed by us and how we so fast put up information around all corners. We can not just sit at talk in the world - we need to act.

People need information to survive. Project Nima realised that very fast. With the right information and if everyone does what they can to help stop spreading the virus we can do much. But people need education.

If the Coronavirus starts to spread fast in Ghana...the consequences would be.. I can't even picture it. People often forget us in these areas, but we live very close to each other and having social distance is difficult when you live so many people at one place.

But there are things we can do to prevent the virus also here. And to spread that information to people is vital! Otherwise people will turn to false rumours. Thanks to Project Nima people now know what to do and they do it.

People start screaming and applauding when they see me and the ambassadors now! Especially the elderly people appreciates Project Nima a lot.

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